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Future lifting professionals at Vertikal Days

This year’s Vertikal Days played host to My Future My Choice for the first time since 2019 and the first time at Peterborough.
As in the past, two groups of students from local schools attended, starting on the Wednesday with students in Key Stage 2&3 - aged from nine to 13 - and then older students Key Stage 4 - aged 14 to 16 - attending on day two. The event was again sponsored and supported by Liebherr, which also made a presentation during the event, while allowing participants to operate a crane and demonstrate their skills.
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The serious skills of crane operation

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The fun stuff

Based in Bristol, My Future My Choice has several programmes to help and inspire young people to get involved in industries that might not immediately spring to mind or help others with particular aspirations to achieve their ambitions. Key programmes include Cranes and Hydraulics.
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The following video shows highlights from this year’s event.

We are hoping that we will do even more at next year’s Vertikal Days.
