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Vertikal Breaks records again

The month of June was another record month for Vertikal.Net with 63,487 visits from 33,574 different servers. Other statistics included 2,316,404 hits and 633,939 pages viewed. All of which are new records for the site.

Help us with the re-design

We have now finally begun work on a major update for Vertikal.Net with the intention to bring the design up to date and add a number of new features.

We would very much appreciate your help in this though. The last thing we want to do is to spoil what our readers clearly like.

We will shortly set up an ideas and input page where you can tell us what you would like to see.

One thing we will be doing is to separate the reporting of smaller accidents away from the main news so on bad days it does not look all doom and gloom.

We have many other ideas, but want your input, telling us both what you would like to see changed or improved and what we should not change.

Finally a small plug (commercial)

Finally you can help support Vertikal.Net while benefiting your business by making sure that your company has a link from the access our on-line Access & lifting directory. Over 1,200 different visitors used the directory in June to find various suppliers of goods and services.

The cost is only £175/€280 for a full 12 months which includes publication of your web details in every issue of our magazines. It is now by far the best value anywhere. The links are the main form of on-line funding we receive, although the banners and our magazine sponsors also contribute of course.

Your support is greatly appreciated.
