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HMF celebrates 20 years in UK

Danish lorry loader manufacturer HMF is celebrating 20 years trading in the UK. HMF (UK) established its Peterborough base in 1987. But although it still uses the same premises, the operation has changed beyond all recognition according to md Richard Everist.

“The trend has been to get more out of equipment that’s lighter, increasing the available payload. There is much more emphasis on safety-conscious design such as our patented EVS anti-tip systems and handy loaders to help drivers of smaller vehicles and trailers avoid lifting injuries. Safety is at the forefront of everything we do nowadays.”

“Back in 1987 there was more reliance on the skills of the operator. But European legislation has led to a far greater emphasis on Health and Safety issues. "

“We’re adding more features and benefits through use of advanced electronics all the time,” says Everist. “Today’s cranes tell you what’s wrong, so service engineers can repair them without wasting time on unnecessary diagnostics. Serviceability and access have also improved in all our designs, and we’ve worked hard to improve our back-up – via our mobile service teams – as part of an all-round improvement to customer service.”
