The Easy Lift dealer for France, LVM Nacelles has delivered four new Easy Lift spider lift to its customers.
The first, a 13 metre R130 spider has gone to Phil'Alu, a company which focuses on gutter and roof refurbishment using eco friendly materials. The R130 has a short riser and two section boom for a working height of 12.2 metres and an outreach of 6.5 metres with its 200kg unrestricted platform capacity at an up & over height of just over four metres. Overall weight is 1,760kg.
The R130
An 18 metre R180 - Easy Lifts most popular - was taken by GP IDF which specialises in roof and cover maintenance. The R180 has a longer riser plus a three section telescopic boom and articulating jib for a working height of 17.6 metres, a maximum outreach of 9.6 metres with 80kg or 8.5 metres with 120kg, while the maximum platform capacity of 200kg is available at up to 7.7 metres, all with an up & over height of five metres. Overall weight is 2,200kg.
The R180
Finally two 16 metre R160s were delivered to Hydrofugex which repairs and cleans tiled facades and roofs. They join two existing R160s in its fleet. The R160 offers a maximum outreach of 8.5 metres with an 80kg capacity, while its maximum capacity is 200kg. The total weight is 2,100kg.
The two R160's
The Italian manufacturer Easy Lift said: “More platforms are due to ship to LVM shortly, including three R180 and one R130. We thank LVM Nacelles for these great deliveries and for the ongoing collaboration!”
Established in 1982, LVM Nacelles is based Beauvais, north of Paris and offers sales and rental services throughout the country with a depot Clermont-Ferrand. Its activities includes sales of new and used machines, including mounting truck and van mounted platforms, while representing Easy Lift spider lifts, and offering Cela and Matilisa lifts alongside fire service and rescue equipment.