
A helping hand

Manitowoc and its partners have donated a total of $150,000 to Brooke’s House, a rehabilitation centre in Hagerstown, Maryland which helps women recover from substance abuse. The company has also employed 20 individuals who have graduated from the programme at its plant in Shady Grove, Pennsylvania.

The partnership has been in place since 2020. last year a small ceremony was held to celebrate the naming of a renovated bungalow in Hagerstown, dubbed 'The Manitowoc House’ where some graduates of Brooke's House live.
The Manitowoc House

Manitowoc general manager Dave Hull said: “I’m incredibly proud of my company for supporting Brooke’s House, we have all visited Brooke’s House, met the women and witnessed the real impact of our support. This is not just a partnership, it’s a commitment to building something real and meaningful in our community.”
Handing over the latest contribution (L-R) David Hull, Ion Warner and Aaron Ravenscroft of Manitowoc with Kevin and Dana Simmers of Brooke’s House along with Les Middleton, Jennifer Peterson, James Cook, Brian Regan and Chase Seely all from Manitowoc

Kevin Simmers, co-founder of Brookes House Added added: “We are extremely grateful. Manitowoc gives Brooke’s House graduates the chance to join its workforce and build a new life. The support we’ve received from them truly exemplifies what makes this country great. Thank you all very much.”

Watch the video below for a much better idea of what the charity does:
