JCB has launched several new products including two increased capacity 360 degree telehandlers, a new High Reach industrial ‘Teletruck’ model and the Intellisense AI human detection system.
The new 360 models the 5,5800kg/21 metre 558-210R Pro and 26 metre 558-260R Pro are based on the current 5,500kg/21 metre 555-210R and 26 metre 555-260R machines. The new machines retain the same lift heights as the units they replace, but offer an additional 300kg of lift capacity. They also include a higher basic specification and a several new option packs - Safety, Vision, Comfort, Storage and maintenance.
The new 26m JCB 555-260R Pro
The Safety pack includes side and rear cameras with white noise reversing alarm, while the Vision pack has LED amber beacon and working lights on the cab and on the boom and the standard Comfort pack has air conditioning and a heated air suspension seat, along with a keypad immobiliser. The Maintenance pack groups greasing points on the front and rear of the chassis to ease routine service work, while a Handling pack includes JCB’s free standing fork frame and 1.2 metres clear view forks, with a travel retention system built into the frame.
The new 558 Pro 360 degree telehandlers boast a lift capacity of 5,800kg
The new machines also feature a new Autec radio remote controller with display screen showing real time operating information, an easy stop/start system and a one-touch joystick unlock button. Improvements to the cab interior and a three year warranty. Power comes from a Stage V JCB Diesel driving a Bosch Rexroth two speed hydrostatic transmission with 40kph road speed.
The new 360 degree telehandlers now use an Autec remote control system
The machines are available with 5.8 tonne capacity forks, with a 5.5 tonne winch and a two metre jib/winch with two tonnes capacity, a 5.5 tonne carriage mounted hook, a 5.5 tonne reduced height jib and a 1,700kg fork rotator attachment. The telehandlers can also be used with the new 2.4 by 4.4 metre dual extension work platform with 1,000kg platform capacity, reduced to 400kg when mounted on a four metre extension.
The new 1,000kg/4.4m wide work platform High reach industrial
The new Teletruk industrial telehandler is the 3,000kg/4.4 metre battery powered TLT 30-22E HL. It employs the same driveline as other models in the Teletruk range allowing up to eight hours of operation on a single charge. It features the company’s CommandPlus cab with single lever electro hydraulic control for all boom functions, with standard LED working lights and beacon along with a white noise reversing alarm and JCB’s Load Motion Control safe lifting system.
The new High Reach Teletruk TLT 30-22E HL
The new Teletruk unloading a wagon
AI pedestrian recognition
The Intellisense pedestrian recognition system is designed to detect any pedestrians within a pre-set proximity of the machine. When detected there are audible and visual warnings inside the cabin for the operator and externally to warn anyone in the immediate vicinity. The system uses four cameras - three giving 270 degrees AI camera coverage around the sides and rear of the machine and a standard forward facing camera. Intellisense will initially be available on the 4,000kg/14 metre 540-140 and 3,500kg/12.5 metre 535-125 telehandlers.
Intellisense will be launched on the 540-140 and 535-125 mid range telehandlers
Full integration with JCB’s LiveLink telematics system allows data to be accessed from a single source with machine and cloud data storage as standard. It also provides an alert button that allows the operator to record a 10 second data segment that is automatically stored.