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HSE raises awareness of falls from vehicles

The HSE highlights the risk of falling from vehicles in an Autumn campaign. About 2000 workers are seriously injured every year as a result of falling from a vehicle with an average of 5 workers dying. 90 percent of the falls are from below head height and the estimated economic and human cost of the incidents we know about is £36.7 million.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the risk of falling that workers are exposed to when accessing and/or working at height on vehicles and the actions that should be taken to minimise these risks.

The HSE is targetting key audiences with the message that falls from vehicles can cause serious injuries and there are simple, cost effective solutions that can be fitted to new and exisiting equipment.

The HSE Research Report RR outlines the underlying reasons for falls from vehicles and the need for improvements to safety features on trailers and heavy goods vehicles.
