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Marty Reid

Martin ‘Marty’ Reid, who served as CEO of Rental Service Corp (RSC) from 1994 to 1999, died of a heart attack earlier this month aged 64.

Reid led RSC through its major expansion phase from 1994 to 1999 when the company grew from 25 outlets to 184. He left the company in April 1999 when he took a “leave of absence due to his heart condition”.

The company, was then acquired by Atlas Copco who held the business until late last year.

Prior to joining RSC Reid held a number of positions in the oil and gas industry including Tuboscope Pipeline Services of Houston, and Eastman Christensen of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Reid is survived by his wife Carol, two grown children and two grandchildren.

Ellen Steck, vice president of marketing for RSC is reported as saying: “He was a very charismatic leader who treated people with honesty, dignity and respect,” “He will be missed by many at RSC and by many in our industry.”
