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A merger of the initials

UpRight, Independent Parts and Service (IPS), the UpRight distributor in the UK and Access Platform Sales (APS) the Snorkel distributor, have reached an agreement to form a new company with each company holding 50 percent of the equity.
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(L-R) Tony Jennings of IPS, Richard Tindale of UpRight and Ian James of APS at Vertikal Days after concluding the agreement.

The two companies will continue to operate independently to distribute the other products and services in their range but all UpRight sales will pass through the new company.

The deal was finalised at this years Vertikal Days, following weeks of negotiations between the three parties.

The resulting operation will boast the largest sales and service teams in the UK access business.

A full report and analysis will follow later today when normal Vertikal.Net service resumes.
