Select chooses Rental result
After what it says was an extensive review of the top rental software packages, Select Plant Hire, part of Laing O’Rourke, the largest privately owned construction firm in the UK, has selected rentalresult software from the Result Group to manage its extensive UK fleet.
Paul Collins, managing director, specialist trading at Select Plant said: "Select Plant has experienced significant growth over the last five years. As a result of this we now hold a very diverse fleet and have expanded and modernised our network of depots to support this.”
“It has become clear that a major update to our business systems was needed to service our internal and our rapidly growing external customer base. We are very impressed with rentalresult’s approach and software which we believe will meet the needs of our business and most importantly our customers."
Derek Robson, managing director of Result Group added: “We are delighted to have been chosen by Select, against all the major companies who offer rental software. To be able to win the business after the very comprehensive selection and evaluation criteria that Select demanded in due diligence, reflects well on the quality of our product, our support and our people.”