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Comment on the UK Tower crane guide

You have just nine days left to comment on the UK HSE/CPA draft guide for the Maintenance and Thorough Examination of Tower Cranes - best practice guide

The through guide is intended to lay out the best practices for Maintenance and thorough examination of tower cranes. Once the text is confirmed it will in effect become a de-facto standard so that in the case of an accident if the Best Practices are not followed a tower crane operator is likely to be severely penalised.

The 91 page guide is posted on the CPA web site and available to download in order to allow you to comment.
Download copy of Best Practice draft

Or go to our Access and Lifting directory and under associations click on CPA and then under special interest groups click tower cranes.

Do take a look and please do comment so that this thorough guide can be as comprehensive and as well formed as possible,
