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Miami approves new Tower crane rules

Commissioners in Miami Dade County, Florida, have approved the ordinance that implements tough new regulations for tower cranes, including tough independent inspections and operator training and certification. See Tough New crane rules for Florida

The general feeling in the industry last week was that the ordinance would not be adopted today in the face of a move by the state to introduce a state regulation, avoiding a patchwork of county or city ordinances. A problem with the absence of Spanish language training materials and courses and a Federal rule which almost seems to block a separate Spanish language certification also appears to be a sticking point.

However with the vote coming only two days after the horrendous tower crane accident in New York, in which a Miami woman was killed almost certainly helped ensure a vote in favour of the proposition.

While this is clearly a victory for those supporting the ordinance it may yet be held up by legal appeals. However the ordinance took a major step forward today.
