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Crane drops workers

Four Cambodian construction workers died last week after a sling failed on a cage being used as a hoist to lift the men on to the 11 the floor of a 12 storey apartment building under construction in the Chatuchak district of Bangkok.

The four, Sinon Sith, 29, Vibon Han, 24 and Weun Shin, 22 and a fourth who has not yet been named, died instantly on hitting the ground.

The main contractor is CL Construction Life Company working for Asian Property Company, it is understood that the four worked for CL, and that the crane was rented in for the project.

Khampun Boontrai, an engineer for CL Construction said that the four men had boarded the cage along with around 25 kgs of materials. None were wearing a harness, the cage was simply suspended from the crane’s hook. Reports suggest that the wire rope sling failed. Local reports say that the cause was down to overloading,

Police have said they will summon those responsible for the crane's hoist, building construction as well as the project developer for questioning before pressing charges against those involved.
