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Check your tower cranes

There is an increasing trend for young people, so called ‘Urban Explorers’, to try and gain access to and climb tower cranes at night when the risk of a fall is high.

Once at the top of the crane they look to climb out on the end of the cranes jib and then take a photo or video footage of each other for use on the internet. Needless to say they have no safety equipment and could so easily slip and fall.
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An youth explores a tower crane in Manchester

A man was photographed this week in Manchester on top of a 130 metre high tower crane. The participant claim that they do not damage the cranes or buildings they climb or ‘explore’ but you can be certain that should they fall the cranes owner or the contractor will be in the firing line for not having secured the crane from intruders.

Follow up

After having read this article a reader from Ireland reminded us of a video in U Tube that showed a particularly bad example of this sort of thing, Click here to see it
