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Multitel MX270 arrives in UK

First two 27 metre Multitel MX270’s have arrived in the UK for delivery this week,both units are mounted on 7.5 tonne Mitsubishi Canter chassis.

The new model, first seen as a prototype at SAIE in October last year, was launched in the UK at Vertikal Days, Haydock in June, with three orders placed at the show by three different companies. Since then sales have continued to gather pace.
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The Multitel MX270 builds on the success of the popular MX20

The first three machines are going to Rapid Platforms, Event Group and Warren Access in the North East of England. The MX270 offers 27 metres working height and 13.3 metres of outreach with 225Kg in the cage.

To celebrate the arrival of what becomes its flagship platform, Warren Access is organising an open day for the 3rd December 2008.

Further deliveries are scheduled for the UK and Ireland in December and January.
