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JLG averts explosions

JLG has agreed to pay extra compensation to 53 employees being laid off, after the workforce, which has been on strike for three weeks, had threatened to explode gas cylinders strapped four aerial work platforms at its plant in Tonneins, France.

Each of the 53 have now reportedly been guaranteed between €25,000 and €30,000 in severance pay.

The practice of threatening violence against employers attempting to restructure businesses is becoming widespread in France and has included the kidnapping of senior executives. The latest threats of explosions began at the New Fabris plant of Renault Peugeot, which has yet to be resolved.

Vertikal Comment

This method of direct action is a typical French method, which amazingly works because the police make themselves scarce rather than intervene. In the past farmers and truck drivers have been the masters of such violent action.

The problem is that giving into it tends to encourage others, however apart form pontificating the French government appears to do little to help employers such as JLG, Leaving them with little choice but to take a pragmatic approach.
