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Michelin warns on crane tyres

Michelin has issued a statement stating that its 445/95 R 25 X Crane 174F tyres should not be used with axle weights above 15.6 tonnes and that any crane owner who has exceeded these axles weights should contact its offices.

It also asks any tyre dealer or sales company that has sold these tyres for applications involving excessive axle loads should also make contact.

The alert will mainly be of concern in the UK where STGO rules allow cranes to travel on public roads with axle loads of 16 tonnes and more, rather than the usual European norm of 12 tonnes, allowing more counterweight to be carried on board.

Any crane owners or dealers who are have these tyres and are concerned that they may have exceeded 15,600 kg axle loads can call Michelin in the UK on
0800 454 774 in the UK or +44 (0)1782 402309.

The full statement is as follows:

It has come to Michelin’s attention that the situation relating to the operation of its 445/95 R 25 X Crane 174F tyres may be unclear.

Michelin would like to clarify the conditions of operation for such tyres, specifically in relation to category C heavy cranes and/or cranes registered as Engineering Plant.

Michelin does not support the use of its 445/95 R 25 X Crane 174F tyres above the axle weight of 15,600 kg because in certain circumstances irreparable internal damage may be caused to the tyres if run in this condition.

This communication supersedes any previous Michelin communication on this subject.

Operators or tyre dealers should contact Michelin on either of the numbers below as soon as possible if:

•They have used Michelin 445/95 R 25 X Crane 174F tyres at axle weights above 15,600 kg

•They have sold Michelin 445/95 R 25 X Crane 174F tyres to anyone they believe may have used or may use them at axle weights of above 15,600 kg

•They require any further information on this subject

0800 454 774 OR +44 (0)1782 402309
