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IPAF launches ‘spot the error’ video

IPAF has launched a new 20 minute safety video that includes common mistakes for operators to spot and then the correct way to do the same job.

Entitled ‘Spot the Mistake’ the video is intended to highlight six common errors that operators of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) make, focusing on the wrong and right procedures for using such equipment.
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The six separate scenarios are extracted from the IPAF operator training course. Each scene contains one deliberate mistake which the audience has the chance to identify. The correct procedure is then shown.
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Filming of the new IPAF Spot the Mistake video

The video was released earlier this week at the IPAF Professional Development Seminar (PDS) in the UK. The Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish versions will be released at subsequent PDS events in other countries.

“The video encapsulates the most common operator errors and what the right procedures should be,” said Rupert Douglas-Jones, IPAF international training manager. “It’s a great educational tool and we thank all the producers and actors for their enthusiasm in making the scenes realistic.”

The video can be viewed and downloaded from the Publications/Film section of It is not a substitute for the IPAF operator training programme, which expects to train around 80,000 people this year.
