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ARA to object to new standard

The American Rental Association (ARA) has said that it will formally object to the adoption of the ANSI/ASSE A10.29 Standard, Safe Practices for the Use of Aerial Platforms in Construction.

The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A10 committee have drafted the new proposed standard that covers “the purchase, rental, lease, maintenance, use and training in use of aerial platforms used for lifting personnel in construction.”

The ARA believes that the proposed standard is in direct conflict with the ANSI/SIA A92 Standards, which it follows and supports. In light of the conflict the ARA says that it plans to deliver its formal objections/comments to ASSE on behalf of all ARA members before the October 6th 2009, deadline for public comment.

The ANSI/SIA A92 Elevating and Vehicle Lift Devices Package establishes the requirements for “designing, manufacturing, performance, training and use of vehicle mounted, elevating/rotating devices, propelled elevating aerial platforms, boom-supported elevating work platforms and self-propelled elevating work platforms.”

An questions or comments on ARA’s response should be addressed to Carla Brozick via email: [email protected] or telephone 800-334-2177, extension 241.
