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Big Man walking

A CAT telehandler is being used to help Britain’s largest puppet walk through the streets of several towns in Scotland.

The eight metre high Big Man Walking, has been created by the Puppet Lab (in conjunction with Puppet Animation Scotland) to walk through the towns and villages of Scotland as a spectacular street event.
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Big Man Walking on his first excursion

Support for the project came from the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council's Inspire Fund, while Caterpillar dealer – Finning and Genie have signed up as sponsors.
Click here to see video

The current plan of events includes:

Bute - 26th & 27th September
Kirkcaldy - 3rd October
Buckie - 17th October
Invergordon - 20th October
Inverclyde - 6th & 7th November

The Myth of the Big Man

Courtesy of the Big man company

Many thousands of years ago when Scotland was a rough country of boulders, vast forests and wild beasts, people lived in fear of everything, even the shadows.

“Then one day the warmth of the sun was blotted out and they looked up to see two huge birds fighting in the sky. Like giant eagles they tumbled, wheeled and spun in the air until one of the creatures broke away and tumbled towards them. As it grew closer to the ground they saw it was not a bird but a giant man with great wings strapped to his back. When he hit the ground the earth trembled, his wings smashed to pieces, and the populace fled in terror and hid.”

“Then, driven by curiosity, they ventured out to look at this Big Man. They saw he needed their help and they looked after him, gave him water and food.”

“In return for their hospitality he helped clear the land of the giant boulders, throwing them into the sea to create islands. He carved out inlets with his bare hands so they could shelter their fishing boats and chased the nightmare beasts from the forests.”

“Gradually he recovered his strength and walked the land recovering the scattered pieces of his shattered wings to rebuild them.

“Finally he was ready, he tied his pinions to his back and with a great beat of air flew into the sky and was gone.

“At first people were sad and missed him, but when they looked around and saw their fields cleared of boulders, the forests safe to hunt in and sheltered havens for their fishing boats. They realised that this was now a land in which they could live and thrive.

“The wisest of them even suggested that the Big Man would return to see the country he had helped create. They promised that when he came back he would be welcomed with great celebrations. They wanted the communities to gather together to show him what had been achieved in his absence. These storytellers became The Guild of Watchers, who now await his return.”
