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Wilson lights up Bonfire

In the UK November 5th is an annual celebration of the failure in 1605 of a plot to blow up Parliament during the opening ceremonies attended by the king, when both houses house would have been full.

The celebrations involve the burning of an effigy of the explosives expert – Guy Fawkes - who was caught red handed in the cellars of houses of parliament in London, on a large fire – a bonfire.

These days most celebration parties tend to be held on the nearest weekend to November 5th as a concession to out modern work schedules. One large party- attended by around 50,000 people - was held in Leeds by the city council.

In order to provide plenty of light for the event, and possibly help avoid slips and trips the council contracted Wilson Access to provide three large truck mounted lifts equipped with lighting modules.
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Two of the units with the large lights in place

Wilson supplied three Wumag truck mounts, a 35 metre WT350, a 45 metre WT450 and its largest unit a 53 metre WT 530.

Wilson’s national account manager Andy Ibbitson said: “Our in house technical team came up with a tried and tested method for fitting the large lights to the platform of each machine. We also gained plenty of good exposure at the event”.
