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Scissor and ladder combo

A reader has sent in a photograph showing a man combining his small narrow aisle slab scissor lift with a ladder to reach his work.

Although we received no details of where or when this incident took place, the picture clearly shows that the 19ft scissor lift is about four metres short of the building’s roof. The solution? The man has decided to use a slightly extended ladder from the scissor lift’s fully raised platform.
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Not exactly a safe method of work

Oblivious to any danger, the man seems very relaxed about the situation and has even the nerve to take a hand off the ladder in order to pose for the camera. Given that these machines are not designed to take side loadings and given the height in which the man would fall should something tragic occur, this easily qualifies as for our Death Wish series.


Eric L
I just can't fathom how little fear some people have with working at height sometimes.

The side loadings a ladder would put on the machine at even that gentle angle must have it not far from going over. Then the fall from that height, while tangled in ladder and machine, it would be very ugly

Just insane...

Feb 7, 2014