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RT overturns in NY State

A Rough Terrain crane overturned yesterday on a slipway alongside the Genesee river in New York State.

The crane was working on a Rochester Gas & Electric hydroelectric station, at the Genesee Falls. It was relocating from one side of the slipway to the other and was carrying some large concrete wedges, which it was using to level up on, from one side to the other when it went over.
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The crane tipped as it moved accross the steep slipway

The crane tipped onto its side pinning the operator, who works for Gerace Construction down in his cab. He was said to be conscious and talking to rescue crews as they attempted to free him. No further information is available at this time.

The operator sadly died shortly after the rescue team managed to remove the weight from his legs and untrap him - some four hours or so after the accident. He had remained concious throughout. He has now also been named as Douglas Fitzmaurice, 69.


Mark Krajci
Sad to see this and to say this - that someone decided to put that crane into gear and thought they could move it under those circumstances.
If an operator is unsure of the task at hand he simply should ask what is the worse that can happen to me.
Unfortunately this demonstrates the worse that can happen
Think First - Be Safe

Sep 1, 2011