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Forks and ladders

A reader in New Zealand has sent us a photo for three men playing a game of chance with their lives.

Taken in Hastings, Hawkes Bay on North Island, the men are installing an extra sign on the roof of a car servicing company.

One man is on the roof, grimly balancing the sign, another is on the top of a ladder but using both hands to help position and fit the sign, while the third is standing on a pallet placed on the forks of a fork truck. Presumably he rode the roof man rode it up with the sign?
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Three men and hardly an appropriate piece of access equipment between them

Apparently the location is within close proximity to three platform rental companies. I guess they are saving some money by using what they have…. What value should one of them fall? Definitely one for our Death Wish series.
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A closer look


Based on the photo scene they planned their objectives but left out the risk factors. The greatest risk would how the company could continue doing business with these three people removed from their team.

Mar 20, 2012