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Vertikal.Net upgrade

You may have noticed that the web site has been running slowly over the past two days or so, in spite of some improvements we made around six weeks ago to help speed it up, but with the post vacation rush it seems that we have finally reached the limits of our current host company.

They have served us well but say that the site is now generating so much traffic and is of such a large size that they are unable to improve or even cope with it within the services they offer.

An attempt earlier in the year to move the website within the host company to a new server had to be aborted after it encountered difficulties. As a result we are looking at a move to different type of host company that provides large high speed dedicated servers and specialises in hosting very large and busy sites such as ours.

If all goes well the move, which incidentally involves a shift between Basle and Zurich, will occur within the next seven days or so. It seems that with everyone returning from summer vacations high traffic is highlighting the constraints our current server has.

The web site has had monthly traffic as high as 15 million hits, 151,707 visits, 78,837 unique, 9.04 million pages viewed and 162.5GB bandwidth and is continuing to grow.

We are assured that the solution we are implementing will serve us well for the foreseeable future. We are also working on a number of other interesting developments that we will be launching later in the year.

In the meantime please bear with us while we upgrade, we will also be experimenting today in order to find a solution for the immediate term, so you may find the home page changing form time to time.
