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UpRight appoints new Italian distributor

For many years Nuova Instant Italia, a subsidiary of one of Italy’s largest ladder producers, Svelt has been the distributor for all UpRight products in Italy. Last year Nuova Instant Italia joined the growing Rent-Up business and handed over its stand this year to promote the Rent-Up group's rental concept rather than display any machines. However UpRight was still represented by a new distributor in Italy, Leader srl.

Sandrino Ferrarini, managing director of Leader, told Vertikal.Net that effective October 13th , the first day of the show, his company is the official representative for UpRight International in Italy.
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Sandrino Ferrarini, managing director of Leader

Leader also represents Nifty, Kesla, Falck Schmidt, Maeda cranes and have sold Skyjack scissors in Italy over the past two years.

The new UpRight Speed Level product was on display .now renamed as the UI 3088 S-lift Self- Leveller. As previously reported the new Self Leveller has an all new over size drive train, new Perkins engine and the ability to auto level. The unit on display was not equipped with the Auto Level device as it is still completing its test programme in Ireland.
