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HSE seek more input on Temporary Work at Height directive

The UK’s Health and Safety Executive has announced a new consultation period for the EU Temporary Work at Height directive, which will be known in the UK as the Work at Height Regulations.

The point of the consultation is to seek wider input on the retention of the two metre rule from current legislation.

A statement from the HSE says:

“On 12 October 2004, the Health and Safety Commission considered representations from the construction industry about retaining the industry’s ‘two-metre rule’ within the overall goal setting approach to the draft Work at Height Regulations.
A two metre rule already exists in the current Construction Health Safety and Welfare Regulations (CHSWR). In essence this provides that for construction work above two metres employers should use specific measures to provide fall protection.

Guardrails or similar work equipment should be used to prevent falls and sufficient working platforms to do the work. Where it is not practicable to do this, because of the nature or duration of the work, then personal suspension equipment should be used; and where neither of these is practicable, other suitable and sufficient means for arresting a fall should be used”

In essence intense lobbying from the construction industry has resulted in the two metre rule being added to the new draft regulation. The HSE wish to give all interested parties a chance now to agree or disagree with this change before it presents the recommendations to Ministers, which it hopes to do by Christmas.

The UK is already late in adopting the Temporary Work t Height Directive into local law, thus the short consultation period.

How you can contribute

Go to web site
There you will see forms which you can email in or print out and mail or you can call or cpntact the HSE at the following address.

Ian Greenwood
Head, Falls from Height Team
5NW, Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
London SE1 9HS
Tel 0207 717 6983
Fax 0207 717
email [email protected]

This consultation lasts for only 6 weeks and will close on 3 December 2004.
