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Lucky escape as utility truck tips

A utility truck tipped over on a busy intersection in Mesa, Arizona yesterday as it was being driven while elevated.
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The tipped utility truck

Two men were apparently using the truck to remove Christmas decorations and signs at a shopping centre on the corner of Inverness Avenue and Stapley Drive. The truck was reportedly being moved between work points, via the public highway, with the boom extended and a man in the bucket. As it made a right hand turn from Inverness onto Stapely at the traffic lights the machine went over, and thankfully the boom caught on the traffic light support structure over the six lane highway.
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A view from the other side

The emergency services arrived at the scene and after propping the lift, rescued the stranded man who we understand had been wearing a harness and was completely uninjured.

Vertikal Comment

This is yet another example of a lift being used in a manner for which it was not designed. What possessed these two to travel on the open road with a man up in the air is a mystery.

In this case they are both extremely lucky, if the lift had gone over, or touched the overhead power lines the story would have been quite different.
