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Big yo-yo record

An attempt this week to break the record for the world's largest operating yo-yo, has failed.

The attempt to operate a 4.5 metre diameter- 3,300kg yo-yo was conducted at Jacksonville Crane and Machinery’s facilities in Jacksonville, Ohio on Friday.

The big blue yo-yo decorated with gold stars was lifted by a large Rough Terrain crane to around 36 metres from where it was released, it unrolled fully - did a small bounce and then then spun on its axle until its thick nylon cable melted from the heat generated by the friction – dropping the massive yo-yo to the ground.
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The giant yo-yo reaches the bottom of its drop

The attempt was organised by Beth Johnson who decided not to try again, at least for the time being.

The current record, set last year was made with a 3.5 metre diameter model. In order to qualify for the record, the yo-yo has to go fall and rise at least three times

Johnson submitted her failed attempt to the Guinness Book of World Records. At least it should qualify as the largest yo-yo ever built.

Jacksonville Crane and Machinery is a Tadano dealer and operates a large crane rental fleet. While the company was essentially renting its crane for the attempt, employees also helped work out a few bugs on the release mechanism before the attempt.
