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Industrial action at Ainscough?

There have been considerable ‘rumblings’ recently regarding possible industrial action at the UK’s largest crane rental company Ainscough.

The company has been in a 90 day consultation process with its union and shop stewards regarding changes to the wage agreement to reflect current market conditions.

The company’s senior management is due to have a further meeting with union officials next Wednesday, May 11th ,following a ballot taken by members regarding possible industrial action.

Ainscough managing director Neil Partridge said that there was no question of any industrial action whilst negotiations continue.

He also confirmed that “since January there have been some lay-offs at the company, in addition to the lay-offs during part of last year as a normal measure during periods of slow activity”.

It was also said that some operators were refusing to work weekends until those that had been laid-off were reinstated, although according to Partridge this issue has been resolved.
