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CECE launches non-compliant tower crane guide

The Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) and the European Materials Handling Industry have launched an ‘easy to use’ guide to identify non-compliant tower cranes.

The quick reference guide helps distinguish between compliant and non-compliant machinery covering only essential criteria which can be checked even without in-depth knowledge or technical information and is meant to serve crane buyers and users as well as regulatory authorities.

CECE says that the brochure is not meant to be comprehensive but is ‘designed to act as an early warning tool’. It says "The import of non-compliant construction equipment into the EU and its sale and use remains a major problem for the European construction equipment industry. It is a source of unfair competition and compromises bona fide supplier’s ability to found R&D. This in turn threatens the competitiveness of the European construction equipment industry and the jobs it provides. Accidents with non-compliant machines are more likely to happen and they often do not meet the environmental standards demanded by the EU".

The guide provides essential criteria that can help distinguish between compliant and non-compliant tower cranes according to current EU legislation and valid safety and environmental requirements. Items covered include crane markings, documents, component combinations, noise emissions, additional safety equipment and warnings/labels and user instructions. Each separate item is explained in straightforward terms and illustrated by diagrams and photos to help users identify the difference between compliant and non-compliant cranes.

“The presence of non-compliant machines in the EU is a real issue," said Ralf Wezel, secretary general of CECE. "Thanks to the fruitful cooperation established within the CECE Tower Cranes section, which gathers today’s leading manufacturers, this new guide is the first reliable reference currently available. We recommend its use to the national customs and market surveillance authorities and by anyone in the process of buying or using a tower crane.”

The guide can be downloaded from the CECE website at
