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Construction orders continue to rise

UK Construction orders for both the year to January 2005 rose by nine per cent compared to orders in the previous twelve month period, and orders in the three months to January 2005 also rose by nine per cent compared to the same three months a year earlier, according to Department of Trade and Industry statistics.

Public housing and housing association orders rose by 14 percent on the year and by two per cent compared to the same quarter in 2004. The comparisons in this sector are affected by large variations due to its relatively small size.

Infrastructure orders for the year to January 2005 decreased by 23 per cent compared with 2004 but increased by 12 percent for the quarter to January 2005 compared with the previous three months, and by six per cent when compared to the same three months a year earlier.

Public non-housing orders in the year to January 2005 rose by nine per cent on the year and by 26 percent for the quarter compared to the same period last year.

Private commercial orders in the year to January 2005 were 27 per cent higher whole rising 10 percent for the quarter.

Private industrial orders for 2005 dropped 11 per cent compared to 2004 and by 12 percent for the quarter compared to 2004 but rose by four percent quarter on quarter.
