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HSE clampdown on UK sites

Construction sites in the UK are being targeted by the HSE. Between 20 February and 16 March, inspectors from the Health & Safety Executive will be visiting sites where refurbishment or repair works are being carried out.

This is part of a national month-long drive focus on high-risk activities such as working at height and also ‘good order’ ensuring sites are clean and tidy with clear access routes.

Falls from height remains one of the most common causes of fatalities and major injuries in the construction sector in Great Britain, with more than five incidents recorded every day.

During 2010/11, 50 workers were killed while working in construction and 2,298 major injuries were reported. The purpose of the initiative is to remind those working in construction that poor standards are unacceptable, and could result in enforcement action

During the inspection initiative, HSE inspectors will be looking at whether:
- Jobs that involve working at height have been identified and
properly planned to ensure that appropriate precautions are in place
- Equipment is correctly installed/assembled, inspected
and maintained and used properly
- Sites are well organised, to avoid trips and falls
- Walkways and stairs are free from obstructions
- Work areas are clear of unnecessary materials and waste

Philip White, HSE chief inspector of construction, said: “The refurbishment sector continues to be the most risky for construction workers, all too often straightforward practical precautions are not considered and workers are put at risk. In many cases simple changes to working practices can make all the difference.”

“Poor management of risks in this industry is unacceptable. As we have demonstrated in the past, we will take strong action if we find evidence that workers are being unnecessarily put at risk.”
