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IPAF summit next week

The annual IPAF, Annual General Meeting, summit and awards dinner will be held in Rome next Thursday.

Places are still available for those who have yet to book, the numbers expected to attend the evening event is said to be approaching 400.
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The summit which begins at 13:30 and runs until 17:00 has the theme, Analysing Accidents to Reduce Accidents and includes the following presentations:

‘What can aerials learn from aviation?’ By Andy Studdert, chief executive of US-based NES Rentals.

‘Life cycle approach towards ensuring equipment safety at workplaces.’ By Mohd Ismadi, deputy director Occupational Safety and Health Division of Singapore’s ministry of manpower.

‘The rental market, Does size matter?’ By IPAF chief executive Tim Whiteman

‘Using new media to promote safety,’ by Marzia Giusto, chief executive of Italian rental company Nacanco.

‘What can we learn from analysing accidents?’ By IPAF technical officer Chris Wraith

‘Learning to fly’- the challenge of imparting knowledge by AWPT’s Gary Riley

‘Keeping our people safe!’ by Peter Douglas, executive director of operations at UK-based Nationwide Platforms.
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The Summit

The summit is free for both members and non members With simultaneous translation into German, Italian and Spanish

Following the summit the awards dinner starts at 19:30 with a reception and then a three course meal. Tickets are €167 per person for IPAF members, including tax and can be ordered on line up until Monday, March 26th.
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The awards dinner
