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Royal visit for Niftylift

UK based aerial lift manufacturer Niftylift had a visit from prince Andrew the duke of York yesterday.
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(L-R) Steve Redding of Nifty, prince Andrew, Simon Beadle, Roger Bowden and John Keely all of Niftylift

Prince Andrew was hosted by Niftylift’s chairman Roger Bowden and managing director John Keely at its headquarters in Milton Keynes. The visit was organised after the prince heard of Niftylift’s growth in international sales over recent years. He commended the company for its contribution to the UK economy.
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Prince Andrew meets operations director Steve Beckwith and two Niftylift first year apprentices Ben Holmes (L) and Jamie Brealey (R).

He was then shown around the company’s manufacturing facilities and given an explanation of the assembly process before being introduced to apprentices currently undergoing training.

He was also shown the company’s new product development facility where he met undergraduate engineers on placement from leading UK universities and was shown work by local school students on the Engineering Education Scheme.

As the UK's special representative for international trade and investment, the duke said that he was pleased to see the hard work and quality products produced by Niftylift as well witness the company’s ongoing investment in people.
