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Highland Death Wish

A photo sent to us from, we believe Scotland – shows the classic fork and pallet form of powered access, however unusually these days it is out in full view in a major city working for a well-known fried chicken outlet... the one - we assume - includes the name of a state in its name?
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Fixing a fried chicken sign at the side of a highway

Amazingly the man working on the sign, has taken the effort to put on a harness although it is hard to tell if he has it on properly and it looks as though it is tethered the fork side-shift frame. Hardly a good idea. The team have a scaffold tower available, so some sort of planning might have occurred - but those involved clearly believe that this is a quicker solution.

Our correspondent says that it occurred recently in the capital of the Highlands… which we assume is Inverness?

Most definitely a Death Wish
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A closer look the tower on the top of the van

In his own words

“Spotted recently in the capital of the Highlands. Erection crew re-erecting the sign outside well known fast food fried chicken establishment. This sign was erected prior to Christmas and then taken down again due to lack of planning permission.”

“Planning of this job does not look too good second time around unless they are taking the fast food methodology to heart that is............”

“Scaffold for access job neatly stacked on top of the erecters van in the background for the fast getaway. Telehandler outriggers carefully not deployed to enable another fast getaway.”

“Work being carried out in dim light of street lights alongside very busy main road out of town for fast access to the local hospital if things went wrong..”

“All the ingredients in place but they got away with it..............this time.”

“Brings back memories of the 1970s before HASWA and all that stuff that gets in the way of really putting yourself at risk............”

Vertikal Comment

Someone at the HSE must know where this is and who these ‘cowboys’ are… hopefully they will issue them with a warning because if this had not worked out it would have affected far more lives than just those of the two ‘jokers’ involved.
