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Run for England

Michael Brown, an ex-tower crane operator, is preparing to break a world record by running between John O’Groats to Lands End, all in the aid of charity.

The race is in aid of the Royal British Legion and its Poppy Appeal which raises funds to provide financial and emotional support to all serving and ex-serving Armed Forces personnel and their dependents.

At 6.00 this morning Brown began his 820 mile run from John O’Groats in northern Scotland to Lands End in Cornwall. In order to break the world record he must reach Lands End within nine days and three hours (219 hours).
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The first ten miles under the belt and the weather is looking superb

He will be using a rolling check point – support vehicle – every 10 miles to resupply on necessary fuel and hydration before continuing his run. He will be running day and night allowing for only four to five hours sleep every other night at the side of the road.
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Mike Brown (R) with his support team

Brown was unfortunate not to complete last year’s attempt although he was the last surviving runner, which he says was ended unfairly by the organisers - due to the rest of the field have dropped out. He had completed over 520 miles in nine days and had beaten all the other runners, the last of whom dropped out on day six.
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The route from John O’Groats in northern Scotland to Lands End In Cornwall

Brown added: “After assessing my performance and understanding the need to close this unfortunate chapter in my life I have raised the bar. For the past six months I have been preparing to break the record which I was on course to break last year.”

A web link will take you straight to the event page where you can track his progress live around the clock. He has said that if people want to call and arrange a visit and possibly run with him for a while they can call his support crew on 07580214649, or
email the crew via the web page!

You can also support this super human effort for charity by donating on his just giving website:

You can also take a look at last year’s efforts by putting Brown or Mike Brown in the Vertikal News search box on the home page.
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The race is in aid of the Royal British Legion and its Poppy Appeal
