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New loading platforms

Dubai based King Lifting Construction Machinery has introduced a new roll-out loading platform for use in high rise construction.

The new platform has a transport length of 5.4 metres yet provides a cantilever extension of up to 4.5 metres and can handle loads of up to 3,000kg. The unit installs with just four props, while many loading platforms use more.
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The unit is compact for transportation

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The unit unpacked and ready to install

The company is currently building its first order of 23 units for a customer in Saudi Arabia, with a further 10 units scheduled for the local market in Dubai.

The company was founded in 2009 to offer tower cranes and hoists, but struggled as the market slowed and so turned to the production of equipment and accessories to help get through the construction slow down.

King introduced a fixed loading platform last year, but developed the slide out model in response to customer demand.
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The platform installed and fully extended

Chief executive Paul King said: “We had to think of something else to make money and keep the company running and not to fold like other companies, so I decided to use the skills learnt over the 26 years in the crane business to help other companies with their projects. Being in the game for as long as I have you tend to know what the client needs and you can visualise their needs when they contact you.”
