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Versalift on time

Versalift UK has completed a 132 unit van mounted lift contract for BT (British Telecom) on time and achieved a new production record.

The order was for 132 Versalift ET36LF platforms mounted on Mercedes Sprinter five tonne vans. BT refers to this new model as the PE7 vehicle. Versalift promised BT to deliver six vehicles a week … every week from June 2012 until completion and the contract was completed last week completely on time.
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The Versalift UK team celebrate the completion of the 132 unit BT contract

The contract has helped the company achieve a new production record and is on target to build over 500 vehicle mounted access platforms this year. The achievement will, says the company, give it a UK market share this year in the region of 75 percent.

In the past BT has taken similar machines mounted to Ford Transit vans, however as the need to carry additional road safety equipment has grown, it has forced it to move to a five tonne GVW vehicle. The company runs a fleet of vehicle mounted access platforms which totals around 600 units … all of them now Versalift.

On completion of the contract Versalift managing director, Steve Couling presented the Versalift UK production team with a special achievement award for outstanding performance.
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Versalift UK production manager, Dave Ruffett (L) accepts a special achievement award on behalf of his team, from managing director Steve Couling.
