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Glasgow head bangers

Spotted in Glasgow, Scotland on Friday two men using a long ladder to work at height - but how!
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These two - or at least one of them - clearly has no sense of danger

The two, employed by a general builder, are working at a height of between six and seven metres, one has climbed off the top of the ladder onto a narrow ledge. The second man, looks as though he is being coaxed to do the same, but appears to be holding on the ladder for dear life?
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The second man seems reluctant to climb any higher

We assume that the ladder is footed by the van which is good, the angle looks about right, but climbing off the top of any ladder onto a ledge, especially a ladder this long is suicidal. The way the man on the ledge is leaning forward to help or take something from the man on the ladder is also crazy.

A most definite Death Wish
