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Summit opens today

The IPAf Summit is being held today in Miami, Florida, one of the first presentations was made by IPAF technical director Chris Wraith, in which he provided an overview of the latest thinking from manufacturers, safety authorities and rental companies on the advancements in preventing operator entrapment.
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Chris Wraith covers the latest thinking in anti entrapment

Ron Defeo’s talk probably pulled in the largest number of attendees, Jordan Barab deputy assistant secretary of labor for OSHA also drew delegates in with his discussion on the efforts being made by his agency to reduce the number of deaths attributed to falling from height. He reported that over 4,500 workers die every year in the US and of those 250 are killed from falls.
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The most popular speaker was Ron Defeo of Terex

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Jordan Barab deputy assistant secretary of labor for OSHA details what the agency is doing to reduce deaths from falls

This evening over 300 are expected to attend the annual awards dinner.

Another event that took place today was the transfer of presidents as Wayne Lawson of JLG, completes his two year term and handed over to Steve Couling of Versalift.
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(L-R) Wayne Lawson hands over the president's chain of office to Steve Couling with IPAF CEO Tim Whiteman
