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Speakers announced for Europlatform

IPAF has announced speakers for the Europlatform conference in Istanbul this October, with the theme ‘Thinking outside the basket’.

The speakers will include Pierre Boels of Netherlands-based Boels Rental, Søren Rosenkrands of Riwal, who will speak on managing big self-propelled booms, and Michael Rohmeder, European key accounts manager at Ritchie Bros, on the impact of new engine regulations on asset values.Other speakers include Andy Studdert, of US-based NES Rentals, Mustafa Bilgin, owner of İstanbul Vinç, Serkan Acar of Acarlar Makine, Faruk Aksoy, secretary-general of IMDER and ISDER and Chris Wraith of IPAF.
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Pierre Boels

The one day conference will be held October 3rd, see our events section or IPAF website for more details.
