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National for Mexican army

The Mexican Army has taken delivery of a 36 tonne National Crane NBT40 boom truck to help maintain its fleet of tanks and aircraft and to assist in emergency response work, including storm-related damage.

Jobs for the new crane have included the removal of a 15 tonne engine from an aircraft at a height of 10 metres.
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The Mexican Army's National NBT40 boom truck in action

Guadalajara based Grove and National Crane dealer TRACSA group, worked with the Mexican Army to select a crane that best fit it needs. Juan Mejia, crane manager at TRACSA said: "The army chose this crane because it offers more impressive load charts than its competitors and is made from higher-quality materials. Specifically, the comfortable cab and stronger boom and hoist were major selling points."

The National Crane NBT40 features a choice of booms up to 43.3 metres, a full-color graphical LMI display and deluxe operator's cab.
