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Three trapped in boom lift

Three men working on a façade had to be rescued from a boom lift on Monday in Greenwich, Connecticut.

The machine, a Genie S-85, owned by Hertz Equipment, is said to have malfunctioned, however it was very apparent that the unit, which has a capacity of 227kg was overloaded – given that three large men were in the platform along with tools pointing mortar and a fair number of bricks.
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The three men were trapped in the lift

The incident occurred at a height of around nine metres and fire fighters used an aerial ladder to reach the three and remove them from the platform. The lift was then brought down and the bricks removed. No one was hurt in the incident.
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The men are rescued with a fire ladder

The fire department said that it is logging the incident as a near miss and noted that the three were not wearing any form of safety equipment, including harnesses. They will not be reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
