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Storms hit Scotland – AFI to the rescue

A delivery driver working for UK rental company AFI came to the rescue of a woman motorist earlier today after a large tree crashed down onto her car in today’s gale force winds.

The driver, Alan Smith, from AFI’s Glasgow depot, had passed by the tree at Humbie, near Haddington (east of Edinburgh) just minutes earlier and realising he had missed his turning did a U-Turn and heading back down the road came across the car crushed by the tree.
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This is the scene that faced the driver when he doubled back after missing a turning

“As soon as I saw the car I realised what a close call I’d had myself. I heard screaming come from inside so I called the emergency services and ran to the car. The door was twisted but I managed to prise it open and get the woman out. The tree had not only crushed the roof but it had also come in through the windscreen and was just inches away from the driver. She was in shock but miraculously she was uninjured,” said Smith.
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The driver was lucky to escape

AFI director Steve Williams added: “Well done to Alan, he’s a real hero. We’re delighted to hear that the woman is OK – she was very lucky.”

Hurricane force winds are moving across the UK for the second time in less than two months as well as striking other parts of Europe, especially the Benelux region and Northern Germany. This is a night to bring boom and scissor lifts down, to ensure tower cranes are weather-vaned and stow telescopic boomed cranes and lower lattice booms wherever possible.
