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Idiots on Ladders winner

The UK Ladder Association has announced this year’s winner of its Idiots on Ladders competition which is designed to highlight the worst examples of people carrying out work at height using ladders.

The clear winner, with over four times as many votes as the runner-up, shows two men working on a steep church roof. A man is seen propping up an extended ladder, which in turn is being used to prop up a second ladder on an angle. The man carrying out the work is positioned half way up the second ladder with only the steep church roof for support.
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This year’s Idiots on Ladders winner

The runner-up picture in the competition shows a man working on a set of traffic lights using a ladder which has been constructed from bamboo and ‘fastened’ to the top of a car on a busy street in Bangkok.
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The runner-up to the Ladder Association's Idiots on Ladders competition

The competition allows the public to vote on submissions throughout the year and aimed to shame dangerous ladder users into changing their ways. The Ladder Association chairman Cameron Clow, said: “Idiots on Ladders is about shaming bad practice and showing how important training is. The number of pictures the public sends in, and the things seen happening in them, is always hard to believe.”

“Ladders are a practical and indispensable option in the workplace, but like any other piece of work at height equipment they have to be used safely and competently. The Ladder Association's message has always been that if it's right to use a ladder, use the right ladder and get trained to use it safely. With falls from height the main cause of death in the UK workplace, the people misusing their equipment in these pictures really are taking their lives in their hands.”
