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Wind farm will get the go ahead today

Malcolm Wicks, the UK energy minister will announce later today the go ahead for N Powers 26 turbine Little Cheyne Court wind farm on Walland Marsh in Kent.

He will also re affirm the UK government’s aims to expand renewable energy to 10 percent of all power by 2010.
Wicks will speak at the British Wind Energy Association conference in Cardiff, later today and will say:

"The Little Cheyne Court wind farm is the latest development in the UK's growing wind sector and I am pleased to announce consent based on a thorough public inquiry earlier this year. Once built, its 26 turbines will generate enough electricity to power 32,000 homes, with substantial savings in carbon dioxide emissions

"The review of energy policy announced by the Prime Minister last month will be important in ensuring reliable, affordable, clean supplies of energy for the long term. We will be looking across the board, and that includes civil nuclear power, with proposals to be published next year.

"But I want to be clear - here and now - that renewables are here to stay and will continue to be a crucial part of the mix."
