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Vertikal.Net continues to grow

The popularity of Vertikal.Net continues to rise, with the second highest number of visitors on record in October at 22, 461, recording over 613, 000 hits.

The principal statistics for October are:
Visitors: 22,461
Hits: 613,441
Pages viewed: 82,779
Bandwidth used: 11 GB

October was the highest month on record, excepting December 2004, when almost 43,000 visitors logged on to check out a special story we had posted back then.

This steadily growing trend which has seen our web site traffic double in 12 months, can be harnessed for your benefit, by purchasing a web link from our directory. Or one of our side or overhead banners. Alternatively if you prefer to target even more finely, you can sponsor one of our popular email alerts.
