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AWP not Rally car!

The modern Rough Terrain boom, is a rugged go anywhere piece of kit, However driving it off road still requires a great deal of care, it is possible to turn them over if you start rallying, although it takes some doing.

A man in Bodmin, “borrowed” a Genie Z45/25 articulated boom yesterday from a company that had hired it to put up Christmas lights. He went off down a wet grass slope, lost control and rolled it! Lucky for him, he was not hurt, apart from his pride.
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A contractor took this Genie Z45/25 after a unit he was using broke down, heading down the 20 degree slope he lost control and rolled it

He was of course also caught taking and using a machine without permission, our guess is that he was not properly trained either. Given the inbuilt stability in these units it takes some ingenuity to roll one.

The unit was on hire from Nationwide
