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Hewden sole supply Wates

Hewden, Europe’s largest equipment rental company, has been awarded sole rental supplier status to the Wates Group, one of the UK’s major contractors for the seventh year in a row. The contract has a value of around £5million over the next 12 months.
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Hewden are once again sole rental supplier to Wates

Hewden provide Wates with a diverse range of rental equipment, from telehandlers to accommodation hire with over 700 cabins on rent to Wates at any one time; this is the largest single portion of the contract. All cabins are supplied in Wates blue corporate colours.

Lee Parkinson, Director of Supply Chain Management at Wates, said “The professionalism and commitment shown by the Hewden team speaks volumes about the priority that they give to our account. It is not always easy being a sole supplier and Hewden continue to pursue operational improvements and innovations which are consistent with our vision for Wates to be the first UK construction company to deliver for customers on time and on budget, every time”.
